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Caustic soda flake

Caustic soda flake
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Caustic soda flake - фото 1 Caustic soda flake - фото 2 Caustic soda flake - фото 3 Caustic soda flake - фото 4 Caustic soda flake - фото 5 Caustic soda flake - фото 6
Обновлено: 21 августа 2024, 11:37 ID: 1774641
210 /тонна
на Флагма с 24 октября 2023
Vion Ray
sale agents and shareholders


Caustic soda flake

Despite their advantages, it's important to handle caustic soda flakes with care, as they can be corrosive and harmful to human health if not used properly. Appropriate safety measures, protective equipment, and handling procedures should always be followed when working with this chemical.

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Работает на Флагма с 24 октября 2023
Vion Ray
sale agents and shareholders
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Vion Ray
Sale agents and shareholders
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Alphadelta Enterprises, VOF Vion Ray, Sale agents and shareholders
Caustic soda flake
210 €/тонна ID: 1774641
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