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Системы вентиляции и кондиционирования в Мадриде

1 объявление
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Ultrafiltration system
Цена по запросу
Ultrafiltration is one of the baromembrane methods of water purification. Under certain pressure, the water entering the ultrafiltration unit passes through a semipermeable membrane and is divided into two streams. One of these "concentrate" streams contains all the impurities and bacteria whose
+25 объявлений
2 дек 2024
Найдены объявления в радиусе 390 км от Мадрида
VG70 Respiratory Ventilator
56 000 $/шт FOB
The artificial lung ventilation device vg70 is designed for artificial lung ventilation in the following categories of patients: adults, children, newborns from 800 g. Ventilation modes: Breath control mode Synchronous periodic ventilation mode with pressure support Spontaneous ventilation mode
26 апр 2020
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